Thursday, March 26, 2009

Superman 1964

The Adventures of Superman, starring George Reeves as Clark Kent/Superman, returned to the Piedmont on Monday August 31,1964 after an absence of nearly five years. During the weeks leading up to the show returning, channel 12 promoted it very well, even during primetime. The commercial that the station made did not feature film footage. Rather, they used a montage of probably the best publicity photos from the show I have ever seen. It was an exciting Monday afternoon when "Superman on Earth" came on. This ad is from November 1964.


  1. Great early childhood memories.
    The noise Supes made when he did the "three steps... jump" launch into the air, that wind whooshing sound, those fake brick walls crumbling when he smashed through them....

  2. Carroll, you know what a mark I am for the SUPERMAN series.

    GEORGE REEVES, GORDON SCOTT and JOHNNY WEAVER were my childhood heroes.

    I was double lucky as WBTV in Charlotte picked up the SUPERMAN series the same time as WSJS, so I could watch the show twice every weekday afternoon.

  3. Thanks for the comments.It is always good to hear from folks who love this stuff the sme way I do.
