Each weekday afternoon when my brothers and I got off the school bus,I would run in the house,turn on the tv and start turning the old VHF knob on our black and white set.I always hoped that one day there would be a new channel added.This was the day.It was 5:00 p.m.when the knob landed on channel 8,and there was Johnny Weissmuller starring as Tarzan in Tarzan and the Mermaids.I don't believe I have ever seen a crisper,sharper print of this movie than the one WGHP presented that day on "Adventure Theatre".In those early years of WGHP,they also aired The Little Rascals/Our Gang on "Kartoon Karnival " which aired on Saturday mornings. Amos'N Andy aired weekday evenings at 6:30.I have a soft spot for channel 8 because I got to see it when it first came on the air.Those were the days. I enjoy thinking about the history of tv in the Triad or as it was called back then,"the Piedmont Golden Triangle".
Carroll, I came in from a hard afternoon of "goofing around" around 5:30, spun the dial, and that's when I discovered WGHP as well. Indeed, TARZAN AND THE MERMAIDS was on at that moment. It WAS a great day.
I too remember watching channel 8 when I was a kid, but growing up in Fayetteville. WGHP was on the cable system there in those days. I remember watching Fred Blackman and Frank Deal.
Years later, I went to work at WGHP and got to work with Fred and Frank before they retired.
As an almost 20 year vet of WGHP, it is a real kick to see these old ads. I have passed several around work that came from your site.
Keep up the good work!
Charles Layno
Transmitter Supervisor
I appreciate the comments very much.I love being able to present a little bit of history about televison in our area.There is much more to come.Mr.Layno,I have enjoyed reading the info on your Triad TV History site.I hope that your co-workers at WGHP enjoy these old ads too.Stay tuned.
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