Sunday, September 13, 2015

R.I.P. Bob Gordon

Robert Gordon Van Horn : November 16, 1924 - September 11, 2015

During the 60's and 70's Bob Gordon was a very popular TV host on Channel 12, WSJS (later WXII) out of Winston Salem, NC. Over the years the titles and formats of his shows changed but his popularity kept growing.

Some examples of his shows would be Bob Gordon Presents during 1960 -1961. In 1962 his show was Bob Gordon's Cartoon Corner, weekdays at 5:05 p.m. In 1963 it was the Bob Gordon Show weekday afternoons. During February 1964 his show moved to weekday mornings at 9:00 a.m. where it remained until the fall of 1966. In the spring of 1965 (May 1) Bob started a new show titled "Popcorn Theatre" on Saturday afternoons. During football season the show aired as Bob Gordon's Popcorn Theatre and during baseball season the show aired on Sunday afternoons as Bob Gordon's Sunday Theatre. By 1970 the show was known as Bob Gordon's Theater no matter which day it aired. On Monday October 18, 1976 Bob Gordon became the host of "Daybreak". This marked the first time that channel 12 had produced a "live" news show for the 6 A.M. time slot.

I will always have fond memories of Bob Gordon. May he rest in peace.

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